Did you know more than 90% of poison exposures occur in the home? In observance of National Poison Prevention Week, held March 16-22, make your family’s health a top priority all year long by practicing these home safety tips.
*Keep cleaning products, medication, alcohol, and other potentially poisonous products out of reach and out of sight from children. Read product labels and follow directions before each use. Do not mix products together.
*Install carbon monoxide detectors in your home. Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that can lead to severe illness and even death. Most exposures occur during the winter months or during power outages.
*Practice safe food preparation and handling to avoid food poisoning.
Learn more ways to stay safe by visiting poisoncenters.org/prevention.
If you are concerned that you or a loved one have been exposed to poison, call Poison Help at 1.800.222.1222. Poison Help is a free phone service—staffed 24/7/365—connecting callers to their local poison control center.
If someone has trouble breathing, trouble waking up, seizures, or other life-threatening signs, call 911 immediately.